5 Best Ways to Harvest Rainwater At Home

Rainwater harvesting is one of the best ways to utilize the precious resource given to us by Mother Nature in abundance. It certainly forms a huge part and success of sustainable architecture. Let us have a look at the 5 best ways to harvest rainwater at home with everything available around you.

Smart gutter roofs: Having smart gutters or drains around your roof is a great way to harvest rainwater. Gutters channel the rainwater away from the foundation and towards the ground. Keeping vessels to collect the rainwater is a great way to utilize for household chores later.

Rain barrel: Make your own rain barrel by using an old drum or large trash can that may not be of any use to you. Clean it well and fit it well to PVC pipes to collect rainwater. You can use this anywhere, for watering plants later or for your household chores, etc.

Rain garden: Very easy to create and great to maintain a balance in the environment, rain garden makes use of all your available local plants and mulch to keep pollutants away. Create a trench in the ground and let the rainwater slowly percolate into the ground. It will ensure that your plants are kept watered through the year.

Restore underground water: Attach large PVC pipes to a large barrel with a filter fitted at the end of the pipe. With the pipes directed towards groundwater storage tank, you can store fresh water for a long period of time. Even in scorching summers, you can enjoy the coolness of fresh rainwater. While storing water underground, it is imperative to keep the area around it absolutely waterproof, to avoid seepage through the walls and in your homes. Sustainable architecture is all about keeping these pain points in mind while constructing apartments, bungalows, etc.

Filter harvested water: Since rainwater is the freshest of all waters, install large pipes attached to big storage drums. Install a portable filtration system in the drums to use this stored water for drinking as well. Be sure to keep the drum covered at all times to avoid breeding of mosquitoes.

Rainwater harvesting is slowly becoming an important part of most households in small and big cities. A growing number of people are slowly realizing the importance of storing water and utilizing available resources optimally. It is important to keep your drains, harvested barrels, rain-pits, etc. covered at all times to keep mosquito larvae from growing.